Saturday, September 01, 2012

I didn't go for a walk this evening, although...

the walking I did do was very painful.  Knee is acting up, and as a result there's soreness in the muscles above and below it.  So I'm going to rant now, in case I end up not walking tomorrow, and for some reason don't feel like writing.

I have a question.  What would you think if you were in line at a chain restaurant that offers an "all you can eat shrimp special" and two people go to the counter together and ask if they can split one order of that?  If I owned any stock in Sizzler, I'd have called and ordered it sold the moment I saw the senior of the two cashiers tell the other "yeah, go ahead and let them split it, but they can't add the salad bar to keep them from sharing that".

It's okay to let them split all you can eat shrimp, when shrimp are an expensive commodity, but sharing the soup and salad bar is a no-no.  I know there's some twisted logic in there somewhere, but I certainly can't find it. 

"Armageddon" is on in the background and while there's always hope, I'm pretty sure that Bruce Willis will die gloriously, saving the world from destruction at the last minute.  Of course nothing will ever save us from Michael Bay's choppy style of filmmaking, or his continued copying of his own older works in newer ones.

Speaking of film, I was pondering the list of 100 quotes from AFI's 100 Years of film and how some of them might sound if slightly altered.

"I'm going to make him an offer he can't understand" - said by an economist to a Mafia don.
"Here's looking at you, Sid" - said by a hockey fan to Penguins player Sidney Crosby
"Go ahead, make my stay" - said by a guest checking into a Holiday Inn
"Bond.  Savings Bond." - said by a bank customer trying to save for their future.
"Show me the bunny" - said by a woman who doesn't believe she is actually pregnant.
"I see red people" - said by a pollster working for the Democratic party.
"You had me at Jello" - said by Bill Cosby in a food commercial.
"There's no lying in baseball" - said by Melky Cabrera after he got caught lying about steroid use.
"What a rump" - said by Kanye West while watching his girlfriend walk away.
"Yoga!  Yoga! - said by people waiting for an aerobics class to end and their yoga class to begin.
"I feel the need, the need for weed" - said often by Paul McCartney, among others.

A Lousiana high school class from 1973 had finally decided, after nearly 40 years, to stop holding segregated reunions.  Then someone sent out the schedule of events, and it included a "whites only" event at a private home.  Someone please go down there and bitchslap some sense into those people.  Never mind, you can't erase racism even with a good bitchslapping.