Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So naturally after yesterday's walk, the bad leg...

spasms up like crazy.  It was awful all day and it's no better today.  I wasn't going to walk unless I woke up early, which I did, but there was no point in even trying to dress and go.  I'm limping badly.  I just have to hope it will clear up in a day or two.

Last night I went and played live trivia with my friends.  There were some minor problems with the questions, and the scoring, but those could have been overlooked.  What can't be overlooked is the horrible attitude of the two guest-hosts.  It's like we, the players and thusly the customers, were there for their amusement and giving us an entertaining experience was just an afterthought.

But in my frustration with a couple of their gaffes, I let myself get angry and showed maybe more attitude than I should have.  So I'm resolving to let my teammates handle that kind of stuff from now on, and all I'm going to do it tell them I think there's an issue and let them decide whether or not to pursue it.  Me, I'm going to smile, breathe and not follow someone's suggestion to "wave", because if I were to wave, my middle finger might rebel and rise up to make a statement.

I'm sneaking in one last viewing of parts of "Uncommon Valor" before I mail it back today.  It's almost 30 years old and it hasn't aged well.  Yes, the part where we see the ultimate irony of Randall "Tex" Cobb telling a very young Patrick Swayze "boy, using that Oriental martial bullshit on me's gonna get real expensive" before he uses that exact Oriental martial bullshit to whip Swayze's ass; is still a lot of fun.  But 37 years after the choppers flying off the roof of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon more or less closed our nation's involvement in the Vietnam war, the issue of POWs is almost forgotten.

Which is a shame.  Not because we didn't do enough for the MIAs/POWs, but because there's still a story to be told that's never been told on the big screen.  There was a POW camp at Son Tay, near the capital city of Hanoi, and in 1970, a special forces group raided it.  The prisoners had just been moved and bad intel kept the raiders from knowing this, but had the prisoners still been there, they would have been rescued.  The raiders killed all the camp's guards and suffered only one minor casualty.

Leo Terrell is a civil rights attorney and radio talk show host in L.A.  Last night he was filling in for Peter Tilden and he was taking Romney to task for his comments about the 47% who don't pay taxes.  That's fine and Romney deserves that.  But Terrell, in his unique way, was trying to make Romney appear worse that he actually was.  Terrell was maintaining and claiming that Romney's comments were an indication that Romney plans to start taxing social security benefits.  That's a crock of horseshit.  Romney is all about cutting taxes, not raising taxes.  Now it may very well be that to make the changes to deductions and credits that Romney plans to use to pay for his proposed tax rate cuts, that some people in the middle class would end up paying more.  Romney's plans lack details and without them we can't know what would happen since Congress gets to take a plan like that and write the details themselves.  But nowhere has Romney advocated taxing Social Security benefits.  That's ridiculous.

I saw someone at the supermarket yesterday.  He was trying to decide which brand of deodorant to buy.  He went through almost every brand on the shelf, before putting one particular brand's "stick" into his car.  I happened to notice which brand he'd bought, and so I looked at it on the shelf.  It was the one that was two dollars or more cheaper than every other brand.  Is how you smell to others really worth trying to save a couple of bucks on?  I said "what the heck" and decided to try a stick of it since my own was out.  Maybe it will suck and I'll be right back getting the usual brand.  Maybe it will work just as well and I can save some money.  Stay tuned.

I did get to see inside the door of that adult novelty/lingerie/shoe/vibrator/handcuff store last night as I passed, because I had to stop for a light.  There's a mannequin  just inside the door dressed as Wonder Woman.  I know Halloween is approaching, or is there some sexual fetish about female superheros that they didn't cover in my abnormal psych course?

Why do they still get called mannequins even when they're not men?  Female mannequins should be womannequins.  I understand why we say amen instead of awoman during religious ceremonies.  After all, those are hymns, not hers that are sung and read.  At least equality has reached the naming of tropical cyclones.  Before the late 1970s, hurricanes and typhoons were all named after women.  Now men's names are used as well for these big storms.  It's only fair.  There are as many men who are big bags of hot air as there are similar women.  Maybe more.

I did my homework for today's class yesterday.  Shocked myself, but this chapter is a bit tricky and the rules have changed a lot in the last 8 years.  So it was probably a good idea.