Thursday, September 13, 2012

Woke up early today and went ahead and walked...

and it was different, because it was much darker than normal.  I didn't feel unsafe but apparently others do at that hour.  I passed one woman walking in the opposite direction and even though I smiled and was the first to say "hello", she hurried past as though I presented some kind of threat.

I thought about the screening I saw last night.  Not because the film was awesome, although it was pretty good.  I thought about how nice it was to watch an entire movie without seeing one flash of light among the audience where someone pulled out their cell phone.  Even though it's one of my pet peeves, I have to admit to having been guilty of doing it myself recently when I was expecting an important text.  I've vowed that from now on, if I am expecting a text that's that important, if the cell phone vibrates, I'm going out to the lobby to check it.

Today I have two screenings to attend, and fortunately they are back to back, in the same screening room.  I couldn't have asked for a better set-up.  A true "double-feature", something theaters stopped doing long ago.

I'm also very excited about a film I'm going to go see next month even though it's almost as old as I am.  "Lawrence of Arabia" is being re-released for one night only to celebrate the fact 2012 is the 50th anniversary year of one of the best films ever made (the best in my personal opinion).  Because the theater where I will be seeing it is near the downtown, I'm even thinking of making a pilgrimmage to Philippe's to have a french dip sandwich.  Although, my distaste of standing in long lines may send me elsewhere.

Stuff I saw yesterday included a large number of people on their cell phones while driving.  I guess the fine isn't high enough yet to disincentivize this practice.  I'm not talking about people using hands free devices, or earpieces, I'm talking about morons holding a phone to their ear with one hand while the other hand steers.  Or applies lip gloss, sips coffee, changes the radio station, scratches their balls or whatever.  Two hands on the wheel, people!  Eyes front!

People violating the double-double yellow line that separates the carpool lane from the fast lane.  Another issue where there are never any cops around when needed.  With the budget deficits that we face, this could be a great source of revenue.  That fine is huge if anyone ever gets written up for it.

One of the other students in yesterday's tax class asking to borrow a pair of glasses from another student, because she'd forgotten hers.  Borrowing glasses?  Are you kidding me?

I saw bank robbers throwing money out the window of the car they were being chased in (on television) and immediately thought that one of the robbers is a fan of James Bond films and saw "Octopussy" at least once.  For those who didn't see it, or don't remember, at one point Bond is being chased by bad guys and he throws bundles of cash he'd won gambling into the air, causing a near riot that delayed his pursuers.

I read that this "film" that caused all of the outrage among Muslims in the Middle East was screened once in Hollywood and almost no one attended.  They even had a good looking woman standing in front of the theater trying to get passers-by to go in and watch it, and no one was interested.  Some guy who was a "consultant" on the film is claiming that the director misled everyone about his intent.  Wow, a film director who wasn't honest with those who helped him make his movie?  Go figure.

I feel sad for Kathy Bates, who according to reports just underwent a double mastectomy.  I'd already read that she'd been suffering from ovarian cancer as well.  I hope she recovers, loved her on "Harry's Law" and was sad to see that show cancelled.  I'm just waiting for some entertainment media outlet to insert foot in mouth and promise to keep their readers "abreast" of future updates on her condition.