Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Law of Unintended Consequence

When Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed a law banning almost any abortion within the state, it became the 7th state to pass such a bill in 2019.  The others are Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio and Utah.  Clearly this is a rush to get a case before the U.S. Supreme Court now that Brett Kavanaugh gives conservatives a 5-4 majority that could result in the landmark Roe v Wade decision being overturned.

They may well succeed in getting a case to the U.S. Supreme Court.  The question is, will it become a pyrrhic victory?  We've seen this scenario play out in last year's "off-cycle" elections where Democrats retook control of the U.S. House of Representatives.  Put aside all of the strategic efforts and work of people like Nancy Pelosi for a moment.  There were two issues that drove voters to get to their polling places last November.  One was the non-stop efforts of Republicans to overturn the Affordable Care Act.  The other was the fallout from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Now there will be another single issue that the effort to get out the vote can leverage to get people to vote these Republicans who want to dictate what women can do with their bodies, out of office.

To win in 2020, those of us who oppose things like banning abortion and the continued lunacy of the Orange Miscreant in the Oval Office need to do more than just vote.  We need to get others who think like us to get to the polls.

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Speaking of the 2020 elections, how many more Democrats will throw their hats into the ring to seek the nomination to oppose #DishonestDon?  I find it way too early in the process to be heavily invested in any one candidate.  At this point I don't really care who the nominee is, or who their running mate is.  A scene from a 40 year old movie may say it best.

Whichever candidate I decide to support in the primaries, it doesn't matter who gets the nomination.  We need to get behind that nominee.  We need to bring those who are unhappy with the ultimate choice to realize that they need to vote AGAINST Donald Trump.  If they can't vote FOR the nominee, vote AGAINST Trump.  We need to retake the White House in 2020 to secure our nation's future.  To undo what has been done to our way of life.  To address key issues like the inequality of income and wealth, homelessness, healthcare and so on.  Not to worry about passing tax cuts that primarily benefit the richest Americans.  Remember this chart?

What we have now is not government for all of the people.  That must change!