Friday, March 16, 2018

Random Insomniac/Stress Ponderings

Yesterday was my 4th consecutive 10+ hour workday.  My office manager pushed me to the limit by asking me to take on a client who wasn't on my schedule.  While it was a return that was too complex for the person it had originally been assigned to, that isn't my problem.  When I'd asked not to be given that extra client, because I'm backlogged, she initially agreed.  Then she reversed herself and told the client I'd help them BEFORE asking me to change my mind.

Ordinarily I wouldn't mind.  But yesterday was March 13th.  Tomorrow will be March 15th and that is the deadline for filing Partnership and S-Corporation returns.  I have several of those left to complete and that's going to be even tougher now.  As a result, on my so-called day off today I'll be in the office for more than the two hours I'd agreed to.  I agreed to go in to meet with two long-time clients who couldn't get in to see me otherwise.  As a result the added stress had me up just after midnight tonight.

April 18th cannot come soon enough.

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Last night I watched the election coverage.  Election you ask?  Yes.  There was a special election in Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District.  This is a district that Donald Trump carried by 20 points in 2016.  A district that was so staunchly Republican that in 2014 and again in 2016, there was no Democratic candidate running to oppose incumbent Timothy Murphy.  Murphy resigned last year when his extramarital affair and alleged hypocrisy about his anti-choice statements came to light.

I don't normally donate to political campaigns.  I did donate to the campaign of Conor Lamb, the Democratic candidate in last night's election.  I did it because I want to see the trend of Republican defeats in these special elections.  I'm watching talking heads on cable news trying to dissect why this election was so close, and the split within the Democratic party.

Money is definitely a factor.  CNN reports that about 80% of the $13.3 million in outside spending in this campaign was in support of the Republican candidate, Rick Saccone.  I'll admit to having grown extremely frustrated at the deluge of emails asking me to donate more, once I'd made a small contribution to Lamb's campaign.

I don't blame the candidate.  I blame the process.

This district has been staunchly Republican for a long time.  Why might Lamb win?  He didn't outspend Saccone.

But even if Lamb wins, the fact is that unless Democrats can unite before the mid-term elections, they cannot regain control of the House, or Senate.

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Picking this up Friday morning on a rare, full day off  Election results are in:

Trump and his sycophants are trying to blame this on Rick Saccone as being a weak candidate.  Funny thing is, even a weak candidate shouldn't have lost a district that Trump carried so easily in 2016.  That hadn't elected a Democrat since Murphy won in 2002.

Other Republicans are trying to spin this that Lamb isn't a "true" Democrat, that he ran on a conservative platform.

There are people who will vote for whatever Republican is in the race.  There are people who will vote for whatever Democrat is in the race.  It is those "swing" voters who will choose the best candidate that the parties need to get hold of.

At least that's the conventional wisdom.  But the tragedy in Parkland, FL gives us another path to winning control of the House and Senate this November.  How many 17 year old high school students will turn 18 this year?  Given the failure of Republicans to respond to these mass shootings with anything other than thoughts, prayers and inaction, most of them would support candidates who support action rather than hand-wringing and platitudes. We need to get them registered to vote and get them to the polls.

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OPR is the acronym for the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility.  They handle investigations into allegations of misconduct of FBI employees.  Andrew McCabe, former FBI deputy director may be fired just before his retirement with full benefits from the FBI, because OPR is looking into his actions in allowing high ranking FBI officials to talk to reporters back in 2016 about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and allegedly misleading Justice Department officials about his actions.

It is a crime to lie to an FBI agent.

If the investigation isn't finished before he retires, he will apparently get to keep the benefits.

Is this Trump being vindictive?  Oh hell yes.

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WrestleMania is coming up and what was going to be billed as the "Fabulous Moolah Battle Royale" has had its name changed.  For the uninitiated, a Battle Royale is a match featuring a lot of wrestlers competing to be the last person in the ring.  Wrestlers are eliminated by being thrown over the top rope and having both of their feet touch the ground.

The outrage that caused the name change has to do with allegations that the woman who was known as the Fabulous Moolah, Mary Ellison, had financially and sexually exploited the female wrestlers who came to her for training.

Finding a balance between trying to honor the icons of sport and what they may or may not have done outside of the arenas in which they competed is tricky.  The name of Shoeless Joe Jackson is forever tainted by the events of the Black Sox.  Did he really throw the 1919 World Series?  He hit .375 and made no errors.

What is different today is that information and headlines spread instantly.  The backlash against honoring the Fabulous Moolah started as soon as word of the naming of a match for her transpired.  Anyone and everyone has a voice, thanks to social media.

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