Friday, December 02, 2016

Things I'm Thinking on a Thursday

I've been feeling pretty good since my last ER visit nearly a month ago.  But I did a little too much Tuesday and found myself feeling a bit lightheaded.  So I rested and it went away.  Happened again today and I'm wondering if I should be concerned.  Assuming it doesn't happen again tomorrow I'm not going to worry about it.  Plus I see the doctor at the end of next week and none of the "triggers" that indicate any of my chronic problems are flaring.  Fortunately the ER is always open.

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Donald Trump should be offered membership in the famed Magic Castle, due to his incredible skill in misdirection.  Misdirection is one of the techniques of the magician.  When I was 15 years old or thereabouts, I studied magic with a man named Paul Scarne.  Paul was a relative of the legendary John Scarne and Paul taught me sleight of hand.  I was never really good at it, although I did master one sleight of hand move.

So how is the President-elect misdirecting?  With his incendiary tweets.  I doubt he seriously believes he can change the fact that flag-burning is a constitutionally protected form of expression.  But he gets everyone focused on that and it take the attention away from other things.

What other things?  Tax returns perhaps?  Did he not say that he would release his returns after the election?  What about the returns that are no longer under audit?

Or maybe the fact that once he takes office, he will be in breach of the lease agreement under which his new Washington, D.C. hotel.  As reported by The Atlantic, there is a provision in the lease that prohibits any elected official from deriving benefit from the lease agreement.

Or maybe the fact he's filling out his Cabinet with billionaires and Washington insiders.

Education - Betsy DeVos, who comes from a family with a net worth of over $5 billion
Commerce - Wilbur Ross, net worth of nearly $3 billion.
Treasury - Steve Mnuchin, net worth of $40 million and the man who was chairman of One West Bank when it was involved in "questionable foreclosures."
Transportation - Elaine Chao, wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

So much for draining the swamp, eh?

* * * is not pleased that Kellogg has pulled its advertising from their site.  They've started attacking the cereal maker for doing nothing more than exercising their right to choose with whom they advertise.

“For Kellogg’s, an American brand, to blacklist Breitbart News in order to placate left-wing totalitarians is a disgraceful act of cowardice,” Alex Marlow, Breitbart editor in chief, wrote in article published online Wednesday. “Boycotting Breitbart News for presenting mainstream American ideas is an act of discrimination and intense prejudice. If you serve Kellogg’s products to your family, you are serving up bigotry at your breakfast table.”

I'd be interested to see who prevails in this battle of the boycott.  Other companies pulling ads from the self-described "site for the alt-right" are Allstate, Novo Nordisk, eyeglass maker Warby Parker and the San Diego Zoo.

I'd like to see someone organize a boycott of businesses that advertise with Breitbart to counter their boycott of Kellogg's.  I just don't have the time to be that organizer.

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