Saturday, November 05, 2016

California Ballot 2016 - The Whole Nine Yards

This is how my ballot will be marked on Tuesday and why.  Since I am still the sole member of the Centrist Party of Overland Avenue, they also represent the party's official endorsements.  Please note that there are a few propositions that I did not write blogs about.  It isn't a statement that they are unimportant, merely that I ran out of time.

President - Hillary Clinton

I am not a big fan of Secretary Clinton but given that the alternative is Donald Trump, there is no other viable choice.  While I have objections to some of Secretary Clinton's choices in the past, I think she will do an adequate job of keeping our nation from the kind of collapse that would inevitably result under a Trump Administration.

United States Senate - Kamala Harris

This is another no-brainer.  Loretta Sanchez has been an adequate member of the House of Representatives.  But she's not ready for elevation to the Senate. 

Since I do not live in the 4th or 5th Districts of the L.A. County Board of Supervisors I won't be voting in either of those elections.  However I did once live in the 4th District and I also lived in a congressional district when Janice Hahn was that district's representative.  I think she has what it takes to represent a district with a very wide and ranging constituency  I recommend voting for her if you are a resident of the 4th District.

California Ballot Propositions

51 - No

52 - Yes

53 - No

54 - Yes

55 - No

56 - Yes

57 - Yes

58 - Yes

59 - No

60 - No

61 - No

62 - Yes

63 - Yes

64 - Yes

65 -  No

66 - No

67 - Yes