Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Saw a hashtag today

Saw the hashtag #PresidentTrumpsCabinet and decided I'd take a shot at creating his cabinet.

Vice President - TBD
Secretary of State - Ben Carson
Secretary of Gluttony - Chris Christie
Secretary of Defense - Robert "B1-Bob" Dornan
Secretary of the Treasury - Bernie Madoff
Secretary of Commerce - Mark Hughes (current CEO of Herbalife)
Attorney General Larry H. Parker

Secretary of the Interior - Ted Nugent
Secretary of Agriculture - Juan Luciano (currently president and CEO of Archer Daniels Midland)
Secretary of Labor (he's vacillating between Cable Guy Larry and Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs)
Secretary of Health and Human Services - since Jack Kevorkian wasn't available due to his death, Trump is going with Dr. Donna Harrison, executive director of a group of anti-abortion doctors.
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development - Ted Hayes
Secretary of Transportation - Garrett Camp (co-founder of Uber)
Secretary of Energy - Electro

Secretary of Veteran Affairs - Rush Limbaugh (allegedly dodged the draft due to a pilonidal cyst)

Special Assistant for Women's Issues - Carly Fiorina
EEOC Director - Will Quigg, Grand Dragon of the California KKK