Friday, November 06, 2015

Police have something "special" planned for the next movie from Quentin Tarantino

Jim Pasco is the executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, the nation's largest police organization.  In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter he promises that QT's new movie, The Hateful Eight is in for a big surprise.  The movie is scheduled to open on Christmas Day of 2015, but only in theaters equipped to show it in 70mm.

Reporter's note:  If police organizations want to boycott the film because they are offended by QT's comments about police being murderers, so be it.  He's clarified his remarks to make it very clear he was not referring to all police officers.  If they want to stage pickets, peaceful protests, whatever, that's fine.  But anything they might do beyond that, in an attempt to disrupt or discourage audiences from seeing the movie would be very, very wrong.

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32 year old Daniel Fleetwood has a terminal illness.  His big wish was to be able to see a screening of the new Star Wars film, Star Wars VII:  The Force Awakens, before it is released on December 18th.  The film's director J. J. Abrams made it happen, by dispatching Disney employees to Fleetwood's Texas home to screen the film on his television.

Reporter's note:  Big kudos to Abrams and his people for making this guy's dream come true.  Given all of the ugly stuff we hear goes on in Hollywood, this offsets a chunk of that nastiness.

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Next Tuesday night, November 10th is the evening of the fourth Republican candidates debate.  This one will air on the Fox Business Network, with sponsorship from the Wall Street Journal.  On the earlier debate the following candidates will appear:

Chris Christie
Mike Huckabee
Rick Santorum
Bobby Jindal

The prime-time debate will have the following candidates:

Donald Trump
Ben Carson
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush
Carly Fiorina
Rand Paul
John Kasich

Lindsey Graham, George Pataki and Jim Gilmore didn't even make the afternoon debate, as each has fallen below 1% in an average of national polling.

Reporter's note.  Why the heck don't some of these 2nd and 3rd tier candidates cut their losses and bail out now?  They don't stand a chance.

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Actor John Leguizamo says he will no longer watch NBC's Saturday Night Live because the show will be hosted by Donald Trump this coming Saturday night.  In an interview with Yahoo News, the star of To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar" reacted to Trump's hosting gig by saying  “I find it hurtful and insulting, and you’re celebrating someone who has said some horrible things. I find it unacceptable. I will not watch … I won’t watch ‘SNL’ anymore.”

Reporter's note:  I agree with Mr. Leguizamo's comments about how inappropriate it is for Donald Trump to be hosting SNL during the campaign.  But another remark he made during this interview troubles me.   Leguizamo weighed in on Senator Marco Rubio’s recent rise in the polls. He said, “[Rubio] is on the wrong side unfortunately. Latin people for Republicans are like roaches for Raid.”

That kind of rhetoric is one of the reasons the two parties and their supporters are so polarized today.  Just like Trump posting a pic of Jeb Bush near a swastika.  It serves no useful purpose.  The Log Cabin Republicans are almost exclusively gay people who have Republican values and work within the party to advocate equal rights for the LGBT community.

We are allowing factions of the Tea Party and the Radical Right to widen the divide between us and it also serves no useful purpose.  The problems our nation faces won't be solved without both sides of the political aisle working together to find realistic, workable solutions to the big problems we face.

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Friday night in West Hollywood, CA on a rented sound stage, Kris Jenner's children are throwing her a birthday party.  300 guests will attend the Great Gatsby themed soiree.  Reportedly the children are spending $2 million on the birthday bash.  Vintage cars of the era will be on hand.

Reporter's note.  I'm all too familiar with birthday excess.  In 1987, my father threw himself a four day birthday party which cost over $300,000.  It was a lot of fun, but in later years when he was struggling financially, I bet he wished he'd tucked some of that money into the mattress for leaner years ahead.