Monday, October 19, 2015

Sunday - Trump BS Day

Now Donald Trump is claiming that because he will be so strict on immigration, had he been President rather than George W. Bush, Jr., 9/11 would have never happened.  That's the biggest crock of BS I've heard yet spewing forth from that sewer known as his mouth.

Let's review.  George W. Bush, Jr., was sworn into office on 1/20/2011.  Less than nine months before the 9/11 attacks took place.  While he and his administration may well have ignored the entreaties of Richard Clarke about the dangers that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda presented, as well as having failed in other areas to focus on the dangers we faced from a major terrorist attack, the plain facts prove Trump's claim to be totally without merit.

Fact #1 - The terrorists who acted as the pilots on the flights that were hijacked were already in the country before President Bush Jr. was sworn into office. In fact, three of the four hijacker-pilots were in the United States before the November 2000 presidential election.

Fact #2 - Changing the law regarding visas might be done to a limited extent by an Executive Order, but it would undoubtedly be challenged in court.  Federal immigration law that would have changed the issuance of the visas that the terrorists used to enter the U.S. could not have taken place prior to their entry into the nation.

Fact #3 - Changing the immigration laws by which the four hijacker-pilots entered the U. S. would run contrary to another of Trump's promises, that he would continue to allow visas for tourism and for business.  Almost all of the 19 terrorists entered the U. S. on B1/B2 visas, which are for tourism (B1) and business (B2).  They weren't here illegally and Trump hasn't indicated he will crack down at all on the issuance of visas for tourism or commerce.

Conclusion:  Yet more Trump BS.  #DumpTrump

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Wikipedia is often a pretty good source on things, but today it is a total fail in one minor area.  Social media is filled with the news of actress Bridget Moynahan getting married to businessman Andrew Frankel.  She had dated director/producer McG starting back in 2010.

Today her marriage is on her updated Wikipedia page but McG's page still shows him partnered with her.  Something I'll fix here in a moment.

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Tara Kyle, widow of famed American Sniper Chris Kyle was in Colorado this weekend, speaking to a sell-out crowd about the difficulties of being a military spouse.

I have never ceased to be amazed by the military spouses who also "serve" our nation.  They travel with their military spouse when they can, sometimes both of the adults in a military family are serving on active duty, and when they can't go where their military spouse goes they sit home waiting and keeping the home life going.

We as a nation don't show nearly enough appreciation for what they go through.  Tara Kyle has been through a lot.  Once her husband had been murdered, Jesse Ventura should have dropped that lawsuit.  He didn't because he's an arrogant prick.

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This headline on is just way too messed up to ignore.

"The Los Angeles Dodgers lost the ALDS to the Toronto Blue Jays Chicago Cubs and have been eliminated from the postseason. Let's look back at their 2015 season, for better or worse."

Uh, the Dodgers have been in the National League for over 100 years and did not play in the ALDS.  They lost to the Mets in 5 games, not the Blue Jays or the Cubs, or a combination of the two.

Hire a damn editor!!

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Michael Santiago is a 25 year old former gang member living on Chicago's South Side.  He has been charged with child endangerment after his six year old son took his loaded gun from the top of the refrigerator and killed his three year old brother.  Mr. Santiago was not home at the time, the boys were being watched by their grandparents.

This is a tragedy.  A preventable tragedy.  There is no good reason to leave a loaded weapon in a home where there are children present and the gun's owner is not.  None.

I hope they raise the charge to negligent homicide.

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Poor Britney Spears.  Apparently paying her the really big bucks for her residency in Las Vegas forced the show's producers to skimp on wardrobe costs and she had a wardrobe malfunction.  You can watch her dancers trying desperately to zip up whatever it is she's wearing.

Me, I'd rather watch this instead.

And oops I did it again uttered by Austin Powers lead into.

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Amazon is suing people who sell "fake reviews" of products sold on their website.  Their suit is aimed at more than 1,000 individuals they claim sell these false reviews.

That's the one big drawback to review sites and e-Commerce sites that allow customers to post reviews of products.  You never know if the review is real or not.

Some woman posted a really negative review of the H&R Block office I work at.  The problem was, she'd never been there.  She was served by some office in New York.  Apparently she didn't understand Geography.  We were able to get the review pulled.

FWIW, the people who run Yelp continue to delete the negative reviews posted on the Yelp page of MN dentist Walter Palmer's dental clinic.  Their reviews get deleted as fast as the people at Yelp can identify them, but they remain undaunted.  I guess everyone needs to tilt at windmills once in a while.

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That's University of Michigan punter Blake O'Neill failing to handle a bad snap on what should have been the last play of a win for the Wolverines.  He's been the subject of some really mean comments on social media.

Why is no one blasting the long snapper who is at least partly to blame for this gaffe?  If the snap had been good, O'Neill wouldn't have had to try to make a very difficult play.