Sunday, August 09, 2015

Random Ponderings

Fox News Channel is going to re-run the Republican Candidates Debate on Sunday night.  Is that surrendering any hope of drawing an audience, or merely an attempt to get the "I want to laugh at this shit again audience?"

Target's choice to end boy and girl labeling of toys, bedding and other things is a good move.  I'm also glad they didn't end such labeling of clothing.  Not because boys shouldn't wear dresses and girls not wear "traditional" boy wear, but because the sizing isn't uniform.

Maybe now Marvel's Stan Lee will get the memo that Fantastic Four isn't going to translate well into a film franchise.  But I doubt it.

Only college and pro football great Frank Gifford had the patience to deal with the bloviating of Howard Cosell and the blitherings of "Dandy" Don Meredith on ABC's Monday Night Football.  Frank Gifford passed away on Sunday at the age of 84.  RIP.

Still laughing at the WWE's idiotic blunder in naming a trio of their "Divas" the "Submission Sorority."  That's also the name of a porn franchise.  So the idiots that came up with that name have now renamed the trio PCB (first initials of the three women).  That's not a lot better.  While most people know that acronym usually relates to Printed Circuit Boards, it was also used to describe Polychlorinated Biphenyl, a substance whose toxicity led to production of them being banned in the U. S. back in 1979.

For anyone who hasn't seen the film History of the World, Part I and wondered what the heck I was talking about in a prior blog entry (only the brilliant mind of Mel Brooks could turn the Spanish Inquisition into a musical number)

Anyone have a good over/under on how long it takes Caitlyn Jenner to stop being dressed to the nines 24/7 and spending most of her time in jeans and sweats?

If you have a bottle of orange soda and a bottle of orange daytime cough syrup sitting on the same desk, make sure you pick the right one up before taking a swig.

The fact someone paid six figures for a photo of Bobbi Kristina Brown in her casket is disgusting.  More disgusting is they'll make money on the deal because people want to see that kind of BS.

How many of you know the name Cecil the Lion?  Almost all of you.  How many of you know the name Kaiser Carlisle?  Probably very few.  Not that one tragedy is significantly greater than the other, but the amount of media attention the death of a nine-year old bat boy is getting in comparison to the death of a lion half a world away is interesting.

Recently re-watched Enter the Dragon and Game of Death.  Bob Wall, who is killed by Bruce Lee in both photos was one of the top martial artists around at the time.  Just admiring his work.

If I were going to China anytime soon, I'd make sure to avoid escalators.  Fortunately I have no such travel plans.  Two serious injuries and a death, all within a week is enough to scare anyone into just using elevators.

Donald Trump won't be a serious candidate for a presidential nomination in my mind until he actually releases his tax returns.

Check, double-check and triple check BEFORE posting a claim that might not be 100% correct.  I forgot this rule today and had to publish a quick correction.

Anyone who says that Ronda Rousey looks "manly" needs to get their eyes and their definition of manly corrected.

When we deposit a check at the bank and take less than $100 of the amount of the check back in cash, do tellers really need to ask us how we would like our "less cash?"  I'd like thousand dollar bills but that isn't going to happen.