Saturday, August 15, 2015

An open letter to Chrissy Teigen

Dear Ms Teigen,

I read an article in which you say people should stop cyber-bullying you.  Given the amount of negative comments that are made about you (and every other celebrity in one form or another), it isn't surprising that you are bothered by them.  I would imagine every celebrity who runs across such ugliness is also bothered by it. It is very easy for others to tell you to just let go of it.  It is much tougher for you, who is a real human being, with real feelings; to be the target of that crap. 

The thing is, until social media came into being, we didn't see this kind of thing that targeted specific individuals.  That's because prior to the explosion of social media, these cowards with computers didn't have the luxury of relative anonymity.  They couldn't sit safely at home, not responsible for what they typed.  Were they forced to say it aloud to you, they would be far too frightened to.  Granted most of them will never get an opportunity. 

You're not dumb and I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.  But I will say to you what I've said to others.  Don't engage the negative people.  The first rule of internet life is don't feed a troll.  You'll just encourage them to come back for more free meals.

Years ago road rage was a far worse phenomenon than it is now.  My ex-wife and I were out for a drive while we were still married when some jackass cut us off.  I flipped him off and that started a chase that didn't stop until I pulled into the parking lot of a police station.  After that I made a new rule.  I would only flip people off in my mind.  I wasn't going to put myself or anyone else in my car at risk just to satisfy the primal desire to tell someone off with a less than pristine finger gesture.

I'm sure you're aware that most of the negativity that is coming in your direction stems from jealousy.  You enjoy a lifestyle that only a select few will get to experience.  The hatred stems from wanting what you have and they never will.

Your Twitter feed is a bit different than most.  Unfiltered for the most part, but you don't say hateful things about other individuals.  At least not with any kind of regularity.

I know you can't ignore the bullying but when it becomes bothersome, just consider the source.  Then block and go back to smiling.
