Thursday, July 03, 2014

Nick Cannon to play Richard Pryor and other eye-catching headlines is reporting that Nick Cannon did everything but actually admit that he's been cast to play the late comedian, Richard Pryor in an upcoming bio-pic.

Louis Zamperini has died at the age of 97.  The former Olympian and WWII hero was scheduled to be the Grand Marshall of the 2015 Rose Parade.  He was a true American hero and legend.  RIP.

Two tour buses being used by the crews for Styx and Foreigner caught fire in Philadelphia, but no one was aboard either of them.  In fact, most of the crew's belongings weren't even on the busses as the bands were on a three day break from touring.

A couple in the Czech Republic narrowly escaped injury when they were nearly hit by flying debris while watching the demolition of a building.

It appears that more and more people are disguising family pets as "service dogs" in order to be able to take the dogs with them when they are out in public places.  The Americans With Disabilities Act severely limits the ability of anyone to inquire about the validity of a claim that a pet is a service animal.

Bryan Dilberian was wounded three years ago by an Improvised Explosive Device while serving in the U. S. military.  Now he's been given a custom-made home to live in that was specially designed to make life easier for him.  He lost both legs below the knee and one arm below the elbow, and the house was laid out to take that into account.

In West Branch, MI, police are investigating several armed robberies of Amish buggies.  Reporter's joke:  What goes "clip clop, clip clop, clip clop, bang, bang, bang, bang, clip clop, clip clop?"  Answer:  An Amish drive-by shooting.

A teen in Lemoyne, PA was originally told couldn't attend her prom because she is a cyber charter student.  However, the school district relented and allowed Eleanor Lohry to go to the prom.

In the latest incident to add fuel to the fire regarding the scandal-ridden VA, a man who was at the cafeteria at the Albuquerque VA facility collapsed and died right there while waiting 30 minutes for an ambulance to respond.  The cafeteria there is only 500 yards from the Emergency Room.

Phillipston, MA has decided to not renew the contract of highway superintendent, Jim Mackie, because he rescued a cat from the top of a tree.  Of course, considering he used a city bucket truck to rescue the cat at a location outside the city limits, at the behest of his girlfriend; and then got the truck stuck in the mud requiring a rescue of his own, they might be justified in firing him.

Now that Chris Martin has split with Gwyneth Paltrow, one upside for him is that he has been able to stop being a vegetarian.

NBA team earnings reports are out and the Brooklyn Nets led the league in most money lost last season, losing a staggering $144 million.  Most of that comes from the luxury tax they paid for greatly exceeding the salary cap, an amount of $90 million.  To put that in perspective, the Nets paid more in luxury tax than any other NBA team spent in total salaries.

The Georgia man accused of murdering his 22 month old son was denied bail by a judge.

Residents of Murrieta, CA say they will block any further attempts by the Border Patrol to bus undocumented children into their town.