Saturday, June 21, 2014

It's always the same question

Every time I go to the VA for any kind of appointment or anything, as part of the intake process they ask a bunch of questions.  One of them is "are you in any pain" and if you say yes, they ask you to rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10.  I've never said 10, at least not that I can remember. 

Tuesday night I came close.  I was home, trying to sit down at the computer to do some writing, but I couldn't.  Every time I tried, the pain in my left leg grew in intensity.  Elevating it always relieves the pain.  The pain is caused by edema that is a byproduct of a condition known as chronic venous stasis.  At the same time, the shortness of breath I'd been experiencing for several weeks got worse.  Finally, after spending 30 minutes on hold with the VA's 24 hour nurse help-line, I decided to go to the ER.

I've been there several times over the past few weeks and they've tried to convince me to stay.  I knew they'd give me something for the pain and a diuretic to reduce the excess fluid in my body, but this time I didn't fight them about admitting me. 

So when they asked me about the pain, I had said my pain level was a nine.  I was in agony that was relieved quickly by an injection, and when it returned, by another; but now I can live with the current level of pain.  It's probably a five, but it's just about time to take two more Tylenol (I'm trying to avoid using the hydrocodone I was given as much as possible) and that will reduce it greatly.

Over the past two months or so, I'd gotten worse and worse about the food choices I had been making.  Now I have to try my best once again to make healthy choices.  I will attempt once again to use my hatred of hospital beds to motivate me.  It's never easy.

I have a "good" me on my right shoulder and a "bad" me on my left shoulder, and the bad me was trying to convince me I should celebrate my release from the hospital with a trip to the drive-thru at McDonald's or Burger King.  The good me intervened and now I have a Subway sandwich waiting for me.  Nothing on it but sliced tomatoes.  No mayo, no dressing, nothing else.

I may get around to resuming my usual blog later tonight, or it may start again tomorrow.  Apologies for having missed the past few days.  I just can't do this from my iPhone. 

To those who read these entries on a regular or even semi-regular basis, my thanks.