Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Moustache March and other eye-catching headlines

Men serving in the U. S. Air Force have been encouraged by USAF Chief of Staff General Mark A. Welsh III to grow moustaches as part of the "Moustache March" tradition.  However, they must comply with Air Force Instruction 36-2903, which sets limitations on moustache growth.

Khloe Kardashian is set on finding out who stole $250,000 in jewelry from the house she and Lamar Odom sold awhile back.  Maybe leaving the jewelry in a house that sat empty for a month while workers were coming in and out wasn't the brightest idea.

A high school senior in Texas tweeted to one of the cheerleaders for the Houston Texans, asking if she'd accompany him to the prom if his tweet was retweeted 10,000 times.  She said yes and now Mike Ramirez will have the gorgeous Caitlyn Beth will be on his arm at the prom.

Dick Clark was a pioneer in rock and roll, so it makes sense that his Malibu home looks like a rock.  It's for sale at only $3.5 million, half the original asking price when listed two years ago.

Dove is one-quarter cleansing cream and apparently smart enough to recognize a bad idea when they've launched one.  They are pulling a billboard that identify New Jersey as the "armpit of America."

15 years ago, Radio Shack's stock price was in the $75 range and the company had a market capitalization of $15 billion.  After announcing today that they would be closing 1,100 of their stores, the stock closed at $2.25 per share, giving the company a value of less than $200 million. 

As if the push-up bra wasn't enough, now a Canadian company is marketing "push-up jeans", decided to lift the rear end.  Wonder if they'll hire Kim Kardashian as their model.

Want to climb Mount Everest?  Well, the government of Nepal wants you to bring your trash back down with you.  They are asking that climbers descend with at least eight kilograms of garbage in their possession, their estimate of what the typical climber would discard on the way up.

If Joe Kay had his way, every crowd of rabid fans at a college or high school basketball game would be made aware of the risks of storming the floor after a win.  He himself made a thundering dunk to win a game while in high school and in the mad rush to the floor that followed, he was seriously injured.

Someone decided that Girl Scouts would be the perfect victims to use to pass counterfeit fifty-dollar bills.  Someone needs to catch that jerk and put him behind bars.

A Missouri candy store was criticized for offering "free candy for fatties on Fat Tuesday" with a promotion that anyone weighing 300 lbs or more could eat all they wanted.

Looks like that couple who found $10 million in gold coins on their property won't have to give the coins to the San Francisco Mint after all.

Now that the Texas gubernatorial race is down to Republican Gregg Abbott and Democrat Wendy Davis, the mudslinging is expected to increase dramatically.

The New Jersey girl suing her parents to force them to support her even though she's 18, lost the first round in court.

It's been more than 160 years but the New York Times has finally corrected an error it made in 1853.  That error involved the incorrect spelling of the last name of Solomon Northup in an article telling the story of his journey from being a free man into slavery and then back to freedom again.

A woman in Lodi, CA is once again alive after months of being dead.  Dead in the eyes of the Social Security Administration, which had marked her as deceased in error upon notification that her husband had passed away.