Saturday, August 17, 2013

California ranks last in something and other eye-catching headlines on a Saturday

The L.A. Times is running a story that claims California is the worst state in the union when it comes to getting its poor enrolled in the "food stamp" program.  The lowest participation rate in the nation comes from a combination of burdensome eligibility and verification requirements, along with different software programs from county to county that can't communicate with one another.  More on this in tomorrow's blog.

The Dodgers have won their 10th straight game,   It was also their 19th win in their last 20 road games.  They are 22 games over the .500 mark and now tied for the third best record in Major League Baseball.  Keep it up!

At 9:00 this evening, crews shut down one of the busiest freeway intersections in the nation.  The 405 was closed where it meets the 605 and it will remain closed in Orange County's version of "carmageddon" for 20 hours.  They are tearing down an old connector bridge that has already been replaced.

11 military personnel and 6 DOD civilians were subjected to discipline for having posted online ads seeking sex while they were deployed to Afghanistan.

One of the morons who was involved in the rioting at Huntington Beach during that surfing competition got caught because of his use of Facebook.

Emilia De-Four celebrated her 99th birthday by going on a free shopping spree at the 99 Cents Only Store.  She was allowed to fill a shopping cart with as much as she could fit into it.

Rapper Chris Brown is going down for a hit-and-run and had his probation reinstated.  He must also perform 1,000 hours of community service.  How about making him volunteer at a battered women's shelter?

When a surgeon at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego cut into the wrong testicle of a man he was operating on, it was a good thing the rest of the surgical team stopped him.  Since the hospital was fined $75,000 when all the surgeon had done was make an initial incision, imagine how much they'd have been fined if he'd actually removed the wrong one.

A fraternity and a sorority at Dartmouth are in hot water after they hosted a "gang-themed" party.  The "Bloods and Crips" party was held in July by the boys of Alpha Delta and the girls of Delta Delta Delta. 

At Thursday night's football game in Cleveland, the most exciting play didn't involve football.  A man "streaked" across the field wearing nothing but socks.  Didn't streaking go out of style in the late 1970s?  Just in case you want your memory jogged, click on this link and enjoy:

A football player who spurned a longer-term deal in favor of a one-year contract for $4.5 million would kick himself now, except he blew out his knee in a pre-season game. 

Trader Joe's is going to court to stop Vancouver's "Pirate Joe's" from buying their merchandise in Washington State and then reselling it in Vancouver.  There are no Trader Joe's anywhere in Canada.

Lots of speculation about what's inside 400 gigabytes of data that WikiLeaks has released and asked people to "mirror" on servers other than their own.  The files are heavily encrypted and WikiLeaks did not provide a "key" to decrypt the files.

Former Dodger Chad Curtis may wind up on a prison baseball team in Michigan.  He has been convicted of sexually assaulting three teenaged girls at a high school where he was working as a substitute teacher and weight-room coach. 

What did some of our elected representatives do while Congress has been in recess?  Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona got bitten by a scorpion.  Senator Joe Manchin was photographed losing a water-shooting game at the state fair of his home state, West Virginia.  Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa and Representative Billy Long of Missouri both went to state fairs to get looks at the respective "butter cows".

Going back to the Dodgers, if you'd bet on them to win the World Series back on July 1st, you'd be sitting pretty now.  At the time, the odds were set in Las Vegas at 22-1 against.  Now they are the 9-2 odds on favorite in Vegas sports books to win it all.

LeBron James was stuck in traffic while on his way to a Jay-Z/Justin Timberlake concert.  No problem, he called the cops and got an escort to the concert venue.  Must be nice.

Montel Williams may return to TV with a talk show that isn't an infomercial.

Police found almost 400 marijuana plants in the home of Heidi Fleiss.  She claims to have been growing the pot for a co-op in Nevada.  Probably true, or else she is one serious stoner.