Friday, August 23, 2013

And the winner is....Ben Affleck and other eye-catching headlines

When the second "Man of Steel" movie hits theaters in 2015, it will be Ben Affleck behind the cowl of the Caped Crusader.

Brian "The Beard" Wilson has reportedly been offered $1 million to shave off his trademark beard, including the newest addition, a ponytail at its bottom.

Prurient people producing pornography in the San Fernando Valley are all on hiatus after an actress tested positive for HIV.

There are numerous reports that San Diego mayor Bob Filner will resign in a deal with the city where they will pay all or part of his legal fees and the damages in a lawsuit.  What a great idea.  I heard that somewhere before the negotiations began.  :)

In a related matter, there is no truth to rumors that Filner intends to open a strip-joint called Filner's Filthy Feel-em-up Femporium.

While PFC Chelsea Manning serves whatever part of her sentence of 35 years behind bars,s he will almost certainly not receive the hormones and other treatment she wants, at Fort Leavenworth.  Her attorney announced that she plans to live as a woman named Chelsea, but the U.S. Army will not recognize her gender identity disorder. 

The CHP is saying that the driver of the bus involved in that crash on the 210 Freeway today made an illegal lane change and hit an adjacent car, then overcorrected and that was the cause of the accident.  52 passengers, all between ages 60 and 80, were injured.

The professor at UCI who set several arson fires after his son's suicide received a sentence of 14 years in state prison on Thursday. 

In Indiana, Pipe Creek Elementary School welcomed a new kindergarten class that numbers 8 sets of twins among its 116 members.

The 1993 film "Jurassic Park" entered an elite club recently.  When the 3D version did over $6 million in China, it pushed the movie's worldwide box office over the $1 billion mark.

Ryan Braun of the Milwaukee Brewers has finally admitted to having used performance-enhancing drugs.  In other shocking news, the moon will continue to orbit the Earth.

If you're a patron of the drug store chain CVS and you're tired of their incredibly long receipts, you may want to follow @CVS_receipt on Twitter.

Apparently there is something special about the hair of Bob Dylan.  Why else would an unknown quantity of it have been awarded to Stephanie Gonis in her divorce from Black Keys guitarist Dan Auerbach?

It should come as no surprise that California is at the top of a list of states that are least "tax-friendly" to retirees.

Chris Brown says the Los Angeles District Attorney is racist.  Isn't she an African-American woman?