Sunday, July 07, 2013

No conspiracy theory involved

No one is suggesting that the horrible airline crash in San Francisco was planned or caused in order to deflect attention from other stories.  Same with the non-coup/coup in Egypt.  But both stories have dominated the news all weekend and will continue to do so tomorrow.  That means that a story that might have drawn more attention will go almost unnoticed.

More than 650,000 civilian employees of the Defense Department will earn 20% less each week starting tomorrow and continuing until September 21st.  They will be taking one unpaid day off each week.

The Defense Department isn't nearly as short-staffed as they might have you believe, but losing 20% of the civilian work-hours per week is a big hit.  Workers in "critical" positions are exempted from this, but when you take away 81% of a company's employees one day per week, it's going to hurt the ability of the company to do what it is supposed to do.

I'm not saying we don't need to cut the federal budget.  I've been saying all along we need to balance it, and that's going to involve some cuts.  Maybe it more of us were aware that more than 8 out of every 10 civilian employees of the Defense Department won't be working five days a week for more than three months, we might find our elected leadership working harder to find a solution.

* * *

I've had a very lazy weekend.  I did go see "The Lone Ranger" yesterday.  A joke from childhood popped into my head during the third act.  "The definition of a true intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking once of the Lone Ranger."  But other than that I haven't done much except watch television and sit at the computer.

Candy Crush Saga and Pet Rescue Saga can be highly addictive computer games.  Playing them reminded me of the days when Space Quest and Kings Quest were new additions to my computer.  I would play them for hours on end.  If I got really stuck, I'd pay $1.99 and call their hint line to get the next move.  Now all of the "hints" for those old Sierra Online games are available on the web.  And there are walkthrough videos for these games if you get stuck.

Tomorrow I have four appointments at the VA, but I managed to schedule them to run back to back to back to back.  8:00, 9:00, 9:30 and 10:00.  So I'll get there early, find parking easily and get out before lunch.  Still amazed that I was able to achieve this scheduling coup.

Speaking of coups, how can anyone in the Egyptian government say, with a straight face, that what's happened there is not a coup d'état?  Ridiculous.

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Random ponderings:

Is CNN changing its name to Crash News Network?  I know this crash at San Francisco airport is big news, but it seems like they're all crash, all the time.

Why would Julianne Hough feel the need to hashtag a photo of herself wrapped in a U.S. flag and nothing else, #tbt?

Does the BBC really think it's enough for their "presenter" to apologize after asking viewers if Wimbledon champion Marion Bartoli was told by her father that "she'd never be a looker, so she'll have to work harder?"

If you had two adult daughters and they skipped your wedding, would you be pissed?  Beyoncé and her sister Solange apparently skipped their father's wedding. My dad was married four times and I was only there for one of them.  First one I wasn't born yet, second they eloped, third I attended and the last one took place while I was stationed on Guam.  But if I had adult kids and they blew off my wedding, I would not be pleased.

Will Hollywood ever get it that the days of a Western film making decent box office are over?  "The Lone Ranger" made $48 million from July 3 through today.  Even with a 36% drop in box office from last weekend, "The Heat" had nearly as good a weekend as this stinker from Disney managed.

Was it the search for unconditional love and to be the biggest star on the roster that sent Dwight Howard to Houston?  I've already written down my 15.3 reasons why he left but others are pondering these two reasons.

Is the fact that Macau and not Las Vegas is the gambling center of our world related to the fact that Nevada's economy continues to fester?

What's up with all the vitriolic comments attached to any internet news item or op-ed piece about Dwight Howard going to Houston, from Lakers fans?  I love my Lakers and I think his staying in L.A. would have given them the best chance of winning next season.  But a professional athlete has to think of himself first.  Especially when he's been with a team for only one season.  When you've spent a career on a team, you owe them at least some loyalty.  In high school and college, you owe your teammates loyalty.  But when you play for pay, your first loyalty has to be to yourself in a situation like his.

* * *

Some days everything goes your way and some days nothing goes your way.  Today is the latter for me.  Went out to run some errands and four times someone pulled into the blue placard parking space I had my eye on. 

So I made lemonade from my lemons.  Parked on the far side of the lot and padded my daily pedometer count.

* * *

This Date in History:

On this date in 1456, a re-trial acquits Joan of Arc on charges of heresy.  Of course, since it was 25 years after she'd been burned at the stake, it was probably of little consolation to her.
On this date in 1520, Spanish conquistadores defeat a much larger army of Aztec warriors at the Battle of Otumba.
On this date in 1543, French troops invade Luxembourg.
On this date in 1834, rioting that would last for four nights breaks out in New York City, targeting abolitionists.
On this date in 1863, the U.S. began its first military draft.  Exemptions could be had for only $300.  Later you'd have to pay your representative in Congress a lot more.
On this date in 1865, four conspirators in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln were hanged.
On this date in 1928, sliced bread is sold for the first time.
On this date in 1930, construction begins on what is now known as the Hoover Dam.
On this date in 1946, Mother Francesca Cabrini becomes the first American to be canonized.
Also on this date in 1946, Howard Hughes is nearly killed in a plane crash in Beverly Hills.
On this date in 1954, Elvis Presley makes his radio debut.
On this date in 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the Alaska Statehood Act.
On this date in 1981, President Ronald Reagan appoints Sandra Day O'Connor to the U.S. Supreme Court, making her the first female justice on that court.
On this date in 1985, Boris Becker becomes the youngest man to win a Wimbledon singles title.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Emperor Shirakawa of Japan
Emperor Sutoku of Japan
Gustav Mahler
Marc Chagall
George Cukor
Satchel Paige
Ezzard Charles
Doc Severinsen
Catherine Genovese
Ringo Starr
Joel Siegel
Joe Spano
David Hodo
Shelley Duvall
Jessica Hahn
Vonda Shepard
Jeremy Kyle
Neil Tobin
Amy Carlson
Cree Summer
Lisa Leslie
Kirsten Vangsness
Berenice Bejo

Today's movie quotes come from "Apollo 13" where the very talented and underrated actor Joe Spano portrayed the NASA director:

Marilyn Lovell: Blanche, Blanche, these nice young men are going to watch the television with you. This is Neil Armstrong, and this is Buzz... Aldrin.
Neil Armstrong: Hi.
Blanche Lovell: Are you boys in the space program too?


Henry Hurt: I, uh, I have a request from the news people.
Marilyn Lovell: Uh-huh?
Henry Hurt: They're out front here. They want to put a transmitter up on the lawn.
Marilyn Lovell: Transmitter?
Henry Hurt: Kind of a tower, for live broadcast.
Marilyn Lovell: I thought they didn't care about this mission. They didn't even run Jim's show.
Henry Hurt: Well, it's more dramatic now. Suddenly people are...
Marilyn Lovell: Landing on the moon wasn't dramatic enough for them - why should NOT landing on it be?
Henry Hurt: Look, I, um, I realize how hard this is, Marilyn, but the whole world is caught up in this, it's historic-...
Marilyn Lovell: No, Henry! Those people don't put one piece of equipment on my lawn. If they have a problem with that, they can take it up with my husband. He'll be HOME... on FRIDAY!


[US income tax returns are due in 2 days, but Swigert is 200,000 miles away]
Jack Swigert: Uh, well, if anyone from the, uh, from the IRS is watching, I... forgot to file my, my, my 1040 return. Um, I meant to do it today, but, uh...
Sy Liebergot: [back at Mission Control] That's no joke. They'll jump on him!