Monday, July 01, 2013

It's same-sex wedding day in CA and other headlines

The lines are long but moving in cities where large numbers of same-sex couples are able to finally get married, legally, here in California.

Three natives of Southern California were among the 19 members of an elite firefighting unit who died fighting a wildfire in Arizona.  The 19 deaths fighting a fire is worst tragedy of this type since 29 firefighters died in 1933 fighting a fire in L.A.'s Griffith Park.

A human resource consultant testified today in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial that AEG failed to "follow adequate hiring practices" in checking the background of Dr. Conrad Murray.

Reports claim that NSA contractor Edward Snowden is requesting political asylum from at least 15 countries.  Russia is supposedly on that list, but other reports claim that Russian President Vladimir Putin says Snowden would have to stop leaking secrets if he were to be given refuge in Russia.

Lakers GM Mitch Kupchak snuck in the first meeting with Dwight Howard after free agency began officially at 9:01 p.m. on Sunday night in Los Angeles.

Shark fin soup is off the menu in California starting today.  A state law making shark fin possession in California illegal went into effect today.

Nearly two out of three people who would qualify for Medicaid under "Obamacare" won't get coverage because the states where they live won't expand the state's program, or haven't made a decision yet on expansion.

Actress Kyra Sedgwick may think twice before she buys kale at the grocery store after she cut off one of her fingertips this past weekend while preparing some for dinner.

A Belgian diplomat and his wife were asked to leave a country club's restaurant in White Plains, NY after she began discreetly breastfeeding a child at the table.  FYI, New York state law allows a woman to breastfeed in public places without restriction.

While the National Weather Service recorded a high temperature of 128 degrees in Death Valley on Sunday, nearby a thermometer maintained by the National Park Service showed it was 129.9 degrees, which would be a record for June.  It's hot out there.

He was a winner on American Idol but now Ruben Studdard will try to be a loser in his return to reality TV.  Studdard will be a contestant on the 15th season of NBC's "The Biggest Loser".

A growing number of low-paid hourly employees are having to pay in order to access their wages.  That's because their employers require they receive their payroll on pre-paid cards loaded with fees.  More on this in tomorrow's blog.

Aaron Hernandez used to live in a 7,000 square foot mansion.  Now he resides in a 70 square foot cell in solitary.  Jail officials said he was placed in solitary confinement for his own protection.