Thursday, June 27, 2013

No sale

I heard someone say "God decreed that marriage is between a man and a woman" at least 58 times yesterday as I watched the news coverage of the decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court in the cases of Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act.  I'm tired of hearing it.  I don't want to hear it again.  Because it has no validity.

The word "marriage" didn't exist prior to the 13th century.  What scripture was received then, where God defined the term?  The answer is none.  Those who claim this decree exists are interpreting scripture from the Bible.  If everything in that book is a real decreee from God, please explain to me why those who insist that we follow the decree of God about marriage (the one that doesn't exist) aren't out there insisting the enforcement of some other decrees.

     Why can't we eat meat and dairy together?  Oh wait, it doesn't say that in the Bible, it says something about not cooking a kid in its mother's milk.  From that someone interpreted that God had decreed dietary laws exist.

     Why is it that "priests" who marry later in life can marry women who clearly aren't virgins?  The Bible says the woman that a priest marries must be a virgin.  Since the Bible doesn't differentiate between Catholic priests, and Christian ministers, something must be wrong here.

There are a lot more examples but I think the point is made.  However, to reinforce it, I turn to one of my favorite tomes of fiction, "Shogun".  In that book, Jesuits are spreading the Word in Japan and the issue of "rice Christians" is discussed.  Those are the Japanese who converted to Christianity, but only follow this decrees of God that serve and suit them.

The bottom line is that marriage in the 21st century in the U.S. is purely a social construct; in terms of what benefits are extended to couples.  This isn't an issue of religion or faith.  It is an issue of equality.  If two women live next-door to one another, and both lose their spouse; why should the one in a same-sex marriage have to pay estate taxes that the one in the opposite-sex marriage does not?  It is simply unfair.

You can shout that this is God's decree all you like.  You are certainly entitled to that opinion, but on a factual basis you're incorrect.

* * *

Last night I drove through the South Bay.  Parts of it that I haven't driven through much, if at all, in the 26 months since I finally got out of the hospital.  Considering that I lived in El Segundo for more than 21 years, the South Bay still feels like home in some ways.  It was werid seeing all the changes, and things that brought up memories.

I drove past the veterinarian's office where I had to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life, more than a decade ago.  I had to tell the doctor to go ahead and put my beloved dog, Scooter, to sleep.  I didn't want to let him go.  I wanted to fight the cancer that was ravaging his body.  I would have gladly begged or borrowed more money if needed.  However, he was suffering.  I decided I couldn't be so selfish as to make him continue living in agony just because I wasn't ready to let go.  I don't think of him every day, or even every week now, but when I do, the memories flood my mind.

When Blockbuster had its first crisis, a lot of their locations closed.  But since one particular store survived, I expected it to still be there.  It isn't.  It's a bank now.  The building that was the Stick and Stein Sports Grill for more than a decade sits empty more than two years after they closed for the last time.  The owner of that building must own it outright, or she's going broke paying a mortgage with no tenant and apparently little hope of getting one.  The old Comfort Inn has been renamed.  Since it was one of the courtesy van drivers who nearly totalled my car with me in it, that actually felt good to see.  So much change and yet so much had remained just as it was over two decades ago.

* * *

That's the one song weather forecast for Southern California for the next few days.  I plan to spend as much of it indoors as possible.  Preferrably in a well air-conditioned place like home.

Other stuff I'm pondering this morning:

Will the federal government have to pay interest to the woman who won the DOMA ruling yesterday? (I'm almost certain the answer is yes) 

How much will the economy of California be improved because of the sudden increase in weddings, receptions and so on that will be going on in a few weeks?

Will Aaron Hernandez and O.J. Simpson ever play in a prison football game together?  Given how O.J. looked in his most recent court appearances, will the coach move him to "wide out"?

Are people really wagering large sums on what the "royal baby" will be named?  Why not just bet on whether or not the sun will be shining at 8:22 a.m. the next day?  The sun would be a better bet.

What went wrong in the rearing of a New York teen who wanted to go join al-Qaida?

Why in the world did the Starbucks just up the street close?  It was always busy as heck.

Is there any physical look that Jared Leto can't pull off for a movie?  If you're not sure what I'm referring to, check out the pictures here:

Will the dispute between the Men's Wearhouse and its founder George Zimmer go on for a long time?  Actually, it will.  I guarantee it.

* * *

This Date In History:

On this date in 1358, the Republic of Dubrovnik was founded.
On this date in 1844, Joseph Smith Jr. (and his brother) were murdered by a mob.
On this date in 1899, A. E. J. Collins scores 698 runs "not out" the highest total recorded in the history of cricket.
On this date in 1905, sailors aboard the Battleship Potemkin mutiny.
On this date in 1923, the first aerial refueling of a plane takes place.
On this date in 1954, the first nuclear power plant opens near Moscow.
On this date in 1974, President Richard M. Nixon visits the Soviet Union.
On this date in 1982, Space Shuttle Columbia is launched on the final "test" flight.
On this date in 1985, Route 66 is officially removed from the U.S. highway system.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Paul Mauser
Helen Keller (alright, which ones among you immediately thought of the old joke, "how do you punish Helen Keller? - rearrange the furniture")
Antoinette Perry
Willie Mosconi
Bob Keeshan
Ross Perot (he can bill me for the "H")
Charles Bronfman
Avi Lerner
Vera Wang (wait a minute, she competed in figure skating??)
Julia Duffy
Isabelle Adjani

Movie quotes of the day come from "The Last Castle", to honor James Gandolfini, whose funeral is today (he portrayed Colonel Winter):

Winter: See, I too share the burden of command. You may not think that I've ever set foot on a battlefield, but that's because you've never sat behind this desk. This desk! My men and I are vastly outnumbered. We spend every day behind enemy lines because, make no mistake about it, Mr. Irwin, they are the enemy! But then, I don't have to justify myself to YOU, do I, Mr. Irwin?
Irwin: I don't know. Do you?


Winter: Tell me, Mr. Yates, how does a man like you get into West Point?
Yates: My father was a winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, sir.
Winter: [with disdain] Oh, right. Sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree.


[observing Irwin "leading" the inmates in rebuilding the wall]
Winter: Bring him to my office!
Capt. Peretz: Who's that?
Winter: The Prince of Venezuela! Who do you think I mean?
Capt. Peretz: General Irwin.
Winter: *Mr* Irwin!

Just FYI, it isn't a great movie but Gandolfini is great in it.