Monday, May 20, 2013

Random thoughts

Things that don't make sense:

Why does the same person get spam emails about penis enlargment and breast enlargement?  Is it that difficult to determine the gender of the person you're spamming, or do they just figure everyone in the world is a shemale?

Why would someone who smokes and insists on hanging their arm out of the window of their car drive a Prius?  Either you do or don't care about the environment, unless of course they're just cheap and want to save on gas without caring about the air they breathe.

Why would the owner of a bar pay to have a trivia game hosted in their establishment and then not support the game once it is there?  I'm watching one bar that decided to bring in trivia one night a week go down in flames because they won't do anything to promote the weekly event.

What good does the kerfluffle over the "IRS Scandal" and the "AP Phone Records Scandal" and the "Benghazi Scandal" do in terms of dealing with our real problems?

Why did the Republicans think that their 37th attempt to overturn "Obamacare" would have any better luck than the 36 prior failures?

Why does Michelle Bachman continue to insist the IRS will gain access to people's medical records under Obamacare?  It's not just a lie, it's a damn lie.

Is the reason there will probably be a record-low turnout in tomorrow's L.A. mayoral election related to the fact that aside from gender, there isn't much to distinguish Wendy Gruel from Eric Garcetti?

What else was the cop supposed to do when the gunman holding a 21 year old female college student in a headlock and threatening to kill her, when the a-hole pointed the gun at him?

Why do people put down fake names when they pose for yearbook photos, like Leo Tard or Ann Chovy?

Why did Good Day LA spend all this time hyping the big announcement from Steve Edwards, and then it turns out to be nothing more than his annoucement he's now on Twitter.

I did my writing for an hour, other than blogging/movie reviewing this morning, so part A of the new plan is working.  The rest, remains to be seen.  Leaving for a doctor's appointment in a bit and then I have errands to run.  Hoping to be home by 12:30 to relax for a few hours before facing rush hour traffic yet again, in order to play trivia tonight.  We are on a winning streak of one in a row, so have to go for #2 this evening.

This Date in History:

On this date in 526, an earthquake kills an estimated 20,000 in Syria.
On this date in 1520, the Massacre at the festival of Toxcat takes place, turning the Aztecs against the Spanish.
On this date in 1609, Shakespeare's sonnets are published for the first time in London.
On this date in 1862, President Lincoln signs the Homestead Act into law.
On this date in 1873, Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive a patent for blue jeans with copper rivets.
On this date in 1899, the first speeding ticket in NYC history is issued.  Driving 12 miles per hour.
On this date in 1916, the Saturday Evening Post uses a Norman Rockwell painting as its cover art for the first time.
On this date in 1927, Charles Lindbergh takes off on the first solo, nonstop transatlantic flight.
On this date in 1932, Amelia Earhart duplicates Lindbergh's achievement, becoming the first woman to fly solo, nonstop across the Atlantic.
On this date in 1948, Chiang Kai-shek is elected first President of the Republic of China.
On this date in 1956, the U.S. does the first airdrop test of a hydrogen bomb over Bikini Atoll.
On this date in 1969, the Battle of "Hamburger Hill" ends.
On this date in 1983, the first publication of the discovery of the HIV virus is made in the journal "Science".

Famous Folk Born This Date:

Dolley Madison
William Fargo (of Wells Fargo and American Express)
Max Euwe
James Stewart
Moshe Dayan
George Gobel
Bud Grant
Anthony Zerbe
Sadaharu Oh
Carlos Hathcock (RIP, Gunny)
Joe Cocker
Dave Thomas
Ron Reagan
Jane Weidlin
Susan Cowsill
Bronson Pinchot
Mindy Cohn
Timothy Olyphant
Busta Rhymes

Movie quote of the day comes from 1970's "Love Story":

Jennifer Cavalieri: You look stupid and rich.
Oliver Barrett IV: Well, what if I'm smart and poor?
Jennifer Cavalieri: *I'm* smart and poor.
Oliver Barrett IV: Well what makes you so smart?
Jennifer Cavalieri: I wouldn't go out for coffee with you that's what.
Oliver Barrett IV: Well what if I wasn't even gonna ask you to go out for coffee with me?
Jennifer Cavalieri: Well that's what makes you stupid.


Oliver Barrett III: If you marry her now, I'll not give you the time of day.
Oliver Barrett IV: Father, you don't know the time of day!
[walks away]