Monday, February 18, 2013

Yet another installment of...

"As The Assisted Living Facility Turns".

The President lost his cool this evening.  For the second night in a row, he returned home after dark and found one of the new residents standing outside of the front door smoking.  Now there are two signs that indicate this is a no-smoking area.  There is a designated smoking area in the back. 

It's that way for a reason.  There are a number of residents, the President included, who have lung problems and need to NOT be inhaling even a small amount of second-hand cigarette smoke.  So how the heck are they supposed to go in and out the front door to their home when there's an inconsiderate asshole standing between them and the entrance; without getting a lungful of smoke.

The President doesn't lose his cool easily.  The first time he encountered this resident doing this, he asked the on-duty Med Tech to talk to the man.  She did so and assured the President he'd promised not to do it again.  That was over a week ago.  Then last night the President saw the same man standing out front and politely pointed out the presence of the signs and where the designated smoking area was.  The man politely responded by putting out his cigarette and going inside.

But tonight he was there yet again, and the pungent odor of the stinking deathstick in his mouth permeated the evening air.  So the President approached but kept a distance and said "didn't we have this conversation last night?"  The man took umbrage and asked why it mattered to the President.  Finally the President lost his cool and told him exactly why.  "Because the air you're polluting is the air I have to breathe as I walk into my home and my bad lungs can't handle the second-hand smoke you're pumping out.  I'm not the only person who lives here who has lung problems.  That's why there's a designated smoking area so that we don't have to be exposed to a health hazard.  You aren't the only one living here, and the rules are designed so that the behavior of one resident doesn't harm others."

Yet more umbrage was taken and the President really lost it, giving the man a verbal what for as he walked away.  It was wrong and the President is angry at himself for having lost his temper.  Some of his friends have chosen the past few days to go out of their way to agitate him and on top of the extended hours he is working, the stress is approaching the point of serious overload. 

He considered getting a sign that says "don't prod the cranky one", but that would just egg certain people into prodding.  So he's going to breathe deeply, meditate a bit and try to get and remain calm so that he doesn't have a stroke before he gets those heart tests.