Thursday, February 07, 2013

I'm not a psychologist and I don't play one on TV

but I've just finished re-reading the manifesto of one Christopher Jordan Dorner and I'm going to offer my diagnosis.  The man is deranged.  The man is paranoid.  Worse yet, this deranged paranoid individual has training, weapons, knowledge of tactics and more that make him extremely dangerous.

But what's even worse is that there are kernels of value hidden among the meandering ravings of this lunatic.  He makes allegations that he was being persecuted because he dared to violate the "thin blue line" and accuse a fellow officer of kicking a suspect.  We will probably never see what he claimed was evidence that supported his allegation; but it might have been looked at, had he not chosen to go on a killing rampage.  Or to rant about everything under the sun other than his charge that he was a victim.

Before I go any further, let me point out that just because this guy was a Naval Intelligence officer doesn't mean that he's any better equipped to deal out mass destruction or killing.  He wasn't a SEAL.  He never saw combat.  He did qualify as an "expert marksman" with the rifle and the pistol while undergoing military training.  So did a lot of people.  I shot expert with rifle and pistol during my first two years in the military and usually shot expert when re-qualification was required.  That doesn't mean I'm ready to go and take on dozens of SWAT officers and other highly trained personnel.  So when they go surround and confront this guy, he will either be captured or killed and it will be his choice.

You should read his manifesto, the uncensored version, if you're curious.  it's available at:

That the cops shot two women in error because the cops thought they were driving Dorner's vehicle tells you how nervous the cops are.  A person who will kill a cop will not hesitate to kill anyone else who they think is in their way.

Here's hoping this guy gets caught quickly.  And that someone has the guts to look into the charges he's made, even though he lost his appeal in court.

He even supported an assault weapons ban in his manifesto.  Although he claims that he has assault weapons and he's not afraid to use them.