Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I'm working on my end of year film lists...

and there will be several this year.  The website I write for, www.tailslate.net will publish a site list of the ten best films of the year, based on lists of ten each of the critics that write for it submit.  We will also publish a number of other lists.  I'm working on a list of the ten best indie films and the ten best documentaries.  I will probably also write up a list of the ten best foreign films.  Someone else is doing a list of the ten best films directed by women, and a list of the ten best films directed by foreign directors.  Yet another person will be doing the best performances list.

But unless I publish my own ten best films list for 2012, no one will see my personal choices for best films overall.  So I'm working on my own and I will publish it here.  I still have a number of films left to see that may rate consideration.  They include:

Zero Dark Thirty
Les Miserables
Django Unchained
Rust and Bone
(and a few others)

My Top Ten List of the Year so far, not including the above:

Middle of Nowhere
Silver Linings Playbook
Moonrise Kingdom
Killer Joe
The Avengers
Friends With Kids
Hello I Must Be Going

The top six will definitely be on the list.  The last four are fluid, depending on what I have yet to see.

My Top Ten Indie Film List so far is:

Middle of Nowhere
Silver Linings Playbook
Moonrise Kingdom
Killer Joe
Friends With Kids
Hello I Must Be Going
Robot and Frank
Jeff, Who Lives at Home

My Top Ten Documentary List so far is:

Jiro Dreams of Sushi
The Central Park Five
The Other Dream Team
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
Chasing Ice
Craigslist Joe
Brooklyn Castle
West of Memphis

With the two lists abvoe, again the top five or six listed are pretty much set in stone.  The others may or may not be fluid.