Wednesday, December 05, 2012

I actually said "we have a cookie monster"...

to the administrator of this place where I live, yesterday.  We do in fact have one.  I won't mention his name.

But every night, the last thing the kitchen staff does before they leave, is to put out food for the night.  They put out coffee, milk, juice, sandwiches, fruit, and one tray of cookies.  And the cookie monster takes up a seat near the cart before it is put out, and he stays there until all of the cookies are gone.  He doesn't grab them all at once, and others do get some.  But he eats most of them and people are complaining.

So I took the problem to the administrator and we will see if her proposed solution solves the problem.  Starting sometime soon, half of the cookies from the tray will be in the med room under the watchful eye of the evening med tech.  Those cookies will be off-limits to the cookie monster.

Kamala Harris is the Attorney General of the state of California.  Tonight I listened to her describing how ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) continues to deport illegal immigrants, one third of which she said were "non-criminals".  We have laws that regulate who can and can't legally enter and remain in this country.  When you violate a law, you are by definition a criminal.  Now Ms Harris is a law school graduate and had experience in the courtroom.  So why she's struggling with this concept is beyond me.

Speaking of ICE, they will be conducting a new deportation hearing for President Obama's uncle, only two decades after he was ordered to be deported.  Now we do know he IS a criminal, since he admitted that Boston prosecutors had enough evidence to convict him of DUI and running a stop sign.  He nearly caused the police cruiser following him to crash.

Justin Kievet, a middle school student in Tennessee is a hero in my book.  He was up against another middle school wrestler in a match and before the match began, he learned that his opponent suffers from cerebral palsy.  So what did he do?  He let his opponent pin him and enjoy a victory.  That's generousity at its finest.  Kudos to Justin.

A Cathay Pacific flight attendant is out of a job after she posted on FB that she wanted to throw coffee in the face of a passenger because the passenger happened to be the daughter of Thailand's ousted Prime Minister.  She also posted the passenger's seat number.  You can't just post what you want on FB when you work for someone else, without potential repercussion.  Remember that.

Last night I lost patience with something going on at the live trivia game.  The host had asked a question that had two possible answers.  Which team(s) have the best record in the NFL.  The correct answers were either the Atlanta Falcons or the Houston Texans.  Atlanta as an answer would have been ok.  Falcons as an answer would have been okay.  Houston as an answer would have been okay.  Texans as an answer would have been okay.  The members of one team wrote Texans down and passed that to their member who was writing the answers on the sheet that gets scored.  Unfortunately, she transcribed their writing as "Texas".  That's not an acceptable answer and she was arguing with the host that it should be accepted.  After five minutes of this, I lost patience and yelled, it's Texans, not Texas.  Texas could refer to any team in the state like Dallas or Houston.  Normally I'd have let it go because this team isn't any competition to our team; but, almost all of the rounds last night were ridiculously easy so anyone might be competition.  In retrospect, I should have let the host handle it and only said something if he gave in to her argument.  Lesson for next time.

Normally if I'm up I'll watch Jay Leno on the Tonight Show, but the moment Khloe Kardashian-Odom walked out on stage as the first guest, it was time to change the channel.

This Date in History:

On this date in a year I won't specify, Jim Hosney was born.  One of the finest teachers I've ever had the privilege of knowing.

On this date in 1492, Columbus became the first European to set foot on Hispaniola.
On this date in 1496, King Manuel I of Portugal issued an edict expelling "heretics" from the nation.
On this date in 1832, former President John Quincy Adams took his seat in the House of Representatives.
On this date in 1848, President James K. Polk confirmed that large amounts of gold had been discovered in California.
On this date in 1932, Albert Einstein is granted a U.S. visa.
On this date in 1933, Prohibition ends when Utah ratifies the Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution.
On this date in 1955, the AFL and the CIO combine to form the AFL-CIO.
Also on this date in 1955, E.D. Nixon and Rosa Parks lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
On this date in 1964, Captain Roger Donlon is awarded the first Medal of Honor for action during the Vietnam war.