Sunday, December 23, 2012

And now, the latest installment in...

our continuing story, "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns".  On a quiet Sunday morning, someone gives the President a piece of disconcerting news.  Apparently at least one of the residents is spreading a rumor that when they walked by the President's room, they could smell the odor of cocaine.

This is problematic on several levels.  First of all, pure cocaine is odorless.  The only smells it gives off are those of whatever substances it is "cut" with.  Crack cocaine has been described as smelling like burning vinyl or plastic by crack addicts the President spoke with during the time he was working in a organization housing the homeless.

Then there's the fact that we're talking about a man who in his entire life has never smoked a single "joint" or "doobie" of pot.  In fact, has never smoked a single tobacco cigarette.  Never taken a single dose of any drug that wasn't prescribed by a physician for medical reasons.  For a personal reason he refuses to discuss, he's been wary of illegal drugs since his early teen years.  So it just isn't possible.

The President tried to locate the source of this rumor, but the person suspected by most of being the originator denies having said it.  That person claimed they'd actually heard someone else saying it.  Then again, the person who was accused of having said it by multiple sources also said the same thing when she was asked to leave that meeting of the Resident's Council as she was departing.  So her denials must be taken with a large grain of salt.

In the end it is pretty meaningless.  No one's ever seen the President wandering around "stoned" or "high".  Even if he were doing something like that in his room, it isn't impacting anyone else or the performance of his duties.  And eventually rumors like this die down.  But it was amusing.

The flow of visitors is increasing as Christmas Day approaches.  The Nativity scene in the lobby has been joined by Santa and a Christmas tree.  No one has ever complained about those.  Perhaps the complainer who was upset by the Nativity doesn't consider Santa or a Christmas tree to be a religious symbol.  That person will hopefully not ever study the actual origin of the Christmas tree.

That's all for now.  Stay tuned for our next episode.