Thursday, July 13, 2006

Pity Poor Chad Lowe

He wakes up to find out that his estranged wife, two-time Oscar winner Hilary Swank has aired his substance abuse problem in public and he's angry....

I'm sorry, but since when did a public personage's substance abuse issue become a totally private matter, even when they've somehow managed to keep it a secret to some degree? Congratulations to the man for three years of sobriety, and in her remarks, Swank says she is proud of him for getting and staying sober. But what is wrong for her choice to say that his issue was at least partly to blame for their break-up? Given the public fascination for the details of the lives of celebrities, if some celeb wants to pass out details then more power to them.

It is more of a sad commentary on our society that we are so wrapped up in wanting to know those intimate details of the lives of celebrities which indicates the level of dissatisfaction with our own lives. As for Chad, stop being angry and focus on staying sober.